Day 11.2: Competitive Streak

Ladies and gentlemen, we're back to For Love or Money after those messages from our sponsors.

As you may remember, Min and Aaron were presented with a choice after today's challenge.

"Now, for the second placer, Min Kyu has the opportunity to exchange his cash prize with any other contestant, including Daniel, if he so chooses. The same goes for the third placer, with the addition that Aaron cannot switch with Min. Of course, none of the amounts will be revealed, so you may swap at your own risk."

Now we'll get to see how they decide to act on this opportunity.

"Anyone, you say? I think I'll just go with..."


"Alright," Mac says. "Whatever money prize was assigned to you will be switched with Milo's. Aaron?"

"Hmm...I don't know. This is a tough one. I...guess I'll go with Milo too?"

"Are you sure? This means that you'll get what used to be Min's check."

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Jeez, what the hell was everyone's deal there? Do they think Andrea's just keeping me around for the money?"

"Alright, I guess that settles it. We'll be going back to the house, and you're free to spend the rest of the day however you like."

With the bowling alley just a few streets away, the boys were home in no time.

"So, did you guys have fun?" Andrea asks.

"Yeah," Milo replies. "Except for the part where I scored the worst. Don't even ask."

"It would've been more fun if you were there, Andrea," Daniel remarks.

"Well, I guess you guys did enjoy yourselves. Milo, maybe you'll feel a bit better about your loss after we hang out. What do you say?"

"Yeah, sure. What do you have in mind?"

"I really like this spot, you know," Andrea begins. "It's so cozy and a bit secluded. No one can hear us here."

"What about the people inside the games room?"

"I'm sure production soundproofed those walls. I've never heard the foosball table or the arcade machine whenever I sit down here."

"Well it is a beautiful spot," Milo observes.

"It does have this aura of tranquility. I really feel at peace here."

"Why do think so?"

"I don't know. I guess it just reminds me of my grandmother. When I was a kid, I'd go to her house sometimes and she had this small but vibrant garden in her yard. Some of my cousins and I would play there at times. I really miss her."

"Oh," Milo utters in a sympathetic tone. "I'm very sorry, Andrea."

"What? Oh, no, she's just living all the way back in Vermont. I haven't seen her since Christmas two years ago."

"Min!" Andrea excitedly shouts out.

"You seem to be enjoying your chicken."

"We spent the entire morning throwing a 15-pound ball. I was starving right after."

"I heard you won 2nd place, though. Congrats!"

"Eh, 2nd place isn't good enough," Min Kyu laments. "Runner-ups don't win anything on this show. Did you see the finale last season? That Resila girl was devastated."

"Well, I wouldn't say it's that bad. I've won a lot 2nd place prizes that were just as awesome as the 1st place ones. One time I even got a deluxe Barbie set. Well, granted the first prize was a complete Barbie mansion playset, but I wanted the dolls."

"It's just that my parents always told me to never settle for 2nd best. And you know, I don't want to be anyone's 2nd option. I don't want to just be 2nd place to your heart," he says emphatically.

"Min," Andrea tenderly says. "I don't know what to say..."

"I had a feeling I'd find you here," Andrea says.

"Guilty as charged. I was just analyzing this book here," Aaron explains.

"I hear you placed 3rd earlier. That must've been amazing."

"Not so much when you consider that there are only five players. That puts me right in the middle."

"But still, that's got to count for something, right?"

"I...guess it does. See, I've played a few games before with some friends. Not so much that I'd bowl strikes all the time, but just enough so that not all my throws wind up in the gutter."

"I'm not a very good bowler myself," Andrea admits. "I did know this guy in high school who was really serious about it. He's in a professional league now, I think."

"The only professional league I'd get into is one for growing plants. I imagine the tournaments would be very dull."

"Who's to say? Maybe you could toss in a bunch of cowplants to make things interesting."

"Oh, that's very dangerous territory, Andrea..."

"I thought I heard someone in here," Andrea says.

"Oh, hey, Andy! I was just playing darts, but I'm kind of bored of that now. Wanna play Don't Wake The Llama instead?"

"I'm a little rusty at this," Andrea claims. "It's a lot harder than I last remembered."

"That's because they got the revised set with different roughness for each log. A bunch of these will wreck your game, bro."

"I never thought you'd enjoy games like these, Dax. I always figured you to be the type of guy who's always out there doing your own thing."

"Andy, if there's one thing you gotta know about me, it's that I'm an all-around fun dude. Whether it's riding the waves or keeping a llama asleep, I'm down."

"Interesting," Andrea remarks. "If you're so good at these games, do you want to make things interesting?"

"Oh, you're on. Best two out of three?"

"Three out of five."

Andrea's in for a small surprise in a short while.

We have a situation on our hands here, folks.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Daniel. I had to go to the bathroom but I didn't know you were here," Andrea apologizes while eyeing Daniel.

"Ah, no, I just finished in there. Go ahead."

"Hey, I hope you're ready for our date tomorrow. Mac says you were excited."

"Oh, I definitely am. Tomorrow's going to be a fun day for both of us. I promise that."

"I'll be looking forward to it," Andrea replies while smiling.

"Yeah, she was definitely checking me out. This body here is usually my foot in the door. And once she takes the bait, I just gotta reel her in."

Later on, Andrea asks production to bring over a masseuse for a Swedish massage. Maybe this is her way of getting ready for tomorrow. Who knows?

"Oh, yeah, right there. That's the one."


Let's just leave her to relax for tonight. The next time we'll see Andrea, she'll be out on her first solo date of the season. Will this be Daniel's chance, or will Andrea decide he's not the one for her?

Tune in next time to find out! This is Mac Jamison, signing out.


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