Day 11.1: Right Up My Alley

On today's episode of For Love or Money, we're taking our boys out in the alley for their next challenge.

Author's note: The lot used is Epic Bowling Alley by Jessiejessan. Go check it out!

"Dude, it's crazy that Andrea sent Leroy home. Dude had one million bucks on him. Maybe she's in this for love after all."

"Morning, gentlemen. Welcome to today's challenge. As you can probably guess, you'll be bowling for Andrea's affection today."

"The first three placers will win prizes. What those are, I cannot say until it's done, but I promise you it's good. So get to it, and good luck!"

Min's got good form. Maybe this is one of his many talents.

Everyone looks dead set on winning that prize. That's the spirit!

Nice throw, Daniel.

And here's Milo giving it a go.

Six out of ten ain't bad.

Aaron's off to a bad start, it seems.

And Dax is a little shaky.

I guess that's better than nothing.

Looks like Daniel's fallen victim to gravity as well.

"Urgh, damn it."

But then...

Nice throw, man.

And Min split things up. Uh oh.

But then he redeems himself with a strike.

And here I am, just taking it all in. Time's running, and the boys begin to bowl their last few rounds.

Wait, seriously? Daniel, I know you're on fire, but any property damage is coming out of your pocket.

"YES! Another one!"

Another set of bowling pins for you to pay for, you mean.

"Alright, gather 'round, y'all," Mac calls out. "I'll be announcing the winners of today's challenges, as well as your prizes."

"For first place, we got Daniel with a game of 92 points. As the winner of today's challenge, he gets the privilege of going on this season's first solo date with Andrea."

"WHAT!?! YES! Fricking finally," he excitedly shouts out as he pumps his fist.

"Congratulations, man."

"Coming closely behind on second place, we have Min with 86 points."

"Second place. Not bad at all."

"And for third place, we have Aaron with 76 points."

"Oh, hey, that's pretty good."

"Bet you didn't expect that, huh? I wouldn't say I'm the best bowler, but I've played a few games in my day."

"Now, for the second placer, Min Kyu has the opportunity to exchange his cash prize with any other contestant, including Daniel, if he so chooses. The same goes for the third placer, with the addition that Aaron cannot switch with Min. Of course, none of the amounts will be revealed, so you may swap at your own risk."

"Hmm," Min ponders. "Let me think..."


What will Min and Aaron decide? Are they hanging on to their prizes, or will they switch it up? Find out after these messages.


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