Liebster Award

This doesn't have anything to do with the show, but my friend Sonschi nominated me for the Liebster Award. And she asked me a few questions, so I'll be answering them here!

1. You are going to go on a backpack adventure but you can only take three things with you. What do you choose?

Oh, this is hard. If I have to be practical, first I'd bring my wallet, because I need to finance myself somehow, lol. Next are my documents, so I won't have trouble going around places. And assuming I don't need anything else, I'll bring a good book to keep me entertained during dead time, like when I have to wait. The Count of Monte Cristo is a favorite, but I could also go with something I've never read before.

2. If you could develop a totally new Sims 4 EP, what would it be?

Probably an amusement park EP. I've wanted full-fledged amusement parks since Sims 1? Sims 2? The roller coaster set in the Sims 3 store was kind of underwhelming, and it's only one aspect of the amusement park experience. What about those rotating swings? The overpriced food?

I think Sims 3's open world would've been perfect for the amusement park concept, but I think Sims 4's neighborhood system can also work, where each themed area can cover a single neighborhood. But then we still have loading screens...

3. If you could live anywhere – ignoring language differences, prices, etc. – where would you live?

France! I've already studied the language a bit, and I've been there before. It's a really lovely place, and I think the people there have a decent quality of life. I'd probably live somewhere in the country, or a small city that's not too crowded. Paris is fine, but 

4. What is your dream job and why?

I'd say a software engineer doing lots of cool projects. I've wanted to work with computers ever since I was a kid. I'm already working in that field though, so I guess I already have my dream job.

5. What’s your favorite movie and why?

Moulin Rouge. There's just something touching about its plot, and I really love its aesthetic. It's so vibrant and stylized. And the music's good too.

6. If you could spend one day with your favorite actor/actress, what would you do with them?

The closest thing I have to a favorite actor would be Hugh Jackman or Chris Evans. I'd probably eat out, talk, and maybe have them be my workout buddy/personal trainer for the day, because they definitely look like they know what they're doing.

7. What’s one memory that never fails to put a smile on your face?

The day I got The Sims 2. No kidding. I waited almost a year for it, and a year is like forever in kid time. I just couldn't shut up about it, and I couldn't believe it when I had it in my hands, because it was so much better than The Sims 1. I got so worked up over a silly little computer game.

8. What’s your favorite joke?

I wouldn't say I have a "favorite joke" per se, but I do have some go-to joke templates that I like. When I'm with friends, sometimes I like to imply that they're ugly, dumb, or perverted in some backhanded way (and of course they're not). I also like the occasional lewd humor, but I'm not going to talk about that here. :P

I also like terrible puns, but that's mostly because it makes people around me groan in frustration. And their frustration feeds me.

9. You’re about to get a new pet. What will it be and how will you name it?

I've never had a cat before, so I'd like to try owning one. One time, in The Sims 3 Pets, I gave my sim a cat named "Furincess", so I might just name her that. Or something silly like "Sir Meowington", because why not?

10. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

The Philippine government. Or maybe just how politics works in general. Ideally, our taxes should be a resource for the government to provide services and aid to the vulnerable and marginalized members of society, but instead they just line politicians' pockets. Something about politics just attracts the worst garbage people, it seems.


I think I'm supposed to nominate someone else, and while I do know someone, I can't really think of any good questions because it's so late here. I might think of a few some other time.


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