Day 13.1: Democracy

Welcome back, everyone. When was last left, I asked the four remaining contestants who they think is playing for love and for money. What will be the consequences of their votes? Let's find out!

"I don't know, but if I had to choose, I'd say Dax is playing for love, and Daniel's playing for money."

"I'd say Daniel is in it for love. For money, maybe I'll go with Milo."

"Thanks, man. I feel like everyone is here for love, but if I had to choose, it would be Min. As for money, I feel like it could be Milo. I don't know why."

"I'm going to say Daniel for love. And for money, well, that's tough. I'm really sorry dude, but I'll say it's Milo."

"Okay, so that's three votes for Milo on money, and two votes for Daniel on love. Let's start with Mr. Money first. Milo, you can switch amounts with any of the other three contestants."

"Oh, wow. I'll have to think about that."

"Take your time."

Milo spends a few minutes thinking it over.

"You know, I think I'm good where I am. I'll keep my check, Mac."


"As for you, Daniel, since you won the most votes for love, you get to find out your cash prize."

"Oh, that's nice. I was hoping for a date, but that's not bad."

"We did make a solo date the prize last season, but we like to mix things up here. So anyway, Daniel, you currently have a check for 50,000 simoleons."

"That's a pretty huge amount, man," Min Kyu remarks.

"Yeah, but it's one of the smaller prizes on this show," Dax says.

"The 1 simoleon prize is gone now, so anyone playing for money must be relieved," Milo chimes in.

"And that's it for today. Be sure to wake up early for tomorrow's challenge. Enjoy the rest of the afternoon, folks."


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